An instance of this class can be used to instantiate a monitor of given property.
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Creates a monitor given a list of parameters as an array of double.
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Creates a monitor given a list of parameters as an array of objects.
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Creates a monitor given a list of parameters as an array of strings.
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Computes the result of the monitoring of the proprerty instantiated with the given parameters on signal input.
public void monitor(TemporalSignalReader reader, File input, TemporalSignalWriter writer, File output, Array<String> values)
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Computes the result of the monitoring of the proprerty instantiated with the given parameters on signal input.
public Array<Array<double>> monitorToArray(Array<double> time, Array<Array<double>> signal, Array<double> values)
Computes the result of the monitoring of the proprerty instantiated with the given parameters on a signal described as a matrix of doubles.
public Array<Array<double>> monitorToArray(Array<double> time, Array<Array<String>> signal, Array<String> values)
Computes the result of the monitoring of the proprerty instantiated with the given parameters on a signal described as a matrix of strings.
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public void monitorToFile(TemporalSignalWriter writer, File output, Signal<MoonLightRecord> input, Array<String> values)