Spatial model that implements a generic graph.
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public static SpatialModel<MoonLightRecord> buildSpatialModelFromAdjacencyList(int locations, RecordHandler edgeRecordHandler, Array<Array<double>> data)
This is an utility method that builds a SpatialModel from an adjacency list represented as an array of doubles.
public static SpatialModel<MoonLightRecord> buildSpatialModelFromAdjacencyList(int locations, RecordHandler edgeRecordHandler, Array<Array<String>> data)
This is an utility method that builds a SpatialModel from an adjacency list represented as an array of String.
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public static SpatialModel<MoonLightRecord> buildSpatialModelFromAdjacencyMatrix(int locations, RecordHandler edgeRecordHandler, Array<Array<Array<double>>> objects)
public static SpatialModel<MoonLightRecord> buildSpatialModelFromAdjacencyMatrix(int locations, RecordHandler edgeRecordHandler, Array<Array<Array<String>>> data)
This is an utility method that builds a SpatialModel from an adjacency matrix represented as an array of doubles.