
public class TemporalMonitoring<T, R>

Alternative interface to perform monitoring. The key difference is that it is based on a visitor design pattern over the formula tree which resorts to TemporalMonitor methods for the implementation. Note: Particularly useful in static environment.

See also


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public void TemporalMonitoring(SignalDomain<R> interpretation)
Initializes a monitoring process over the given interpretation domain.
public void TemporalMonitoring(Map<String, Function<Parameters, Function<T, R>>> atomicPropositions, SignalDomain<R> interpretation)
Initializes a monitoring process over the given interpretation domain, and the given atomic propositions.


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public void addProperty(String name, Function<Parameters, Function<T, R>> atomicFunction)
Adds an atomic property to the monitored ones.
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Entry point of the monitoring program: it launches the monitoring process over the formula f.